Tech Help
Do you need assistance with internet-related questions or help setting up and navigating your electronic devices? Our library offers Tech Help, a one-on-one support service designed to assist community members with their technology needs. Whether you're trying to set up an email account, learn how to use a new smartphone, or navigate an online platform, our friendly library staff is here to help.
Tech Help sessions are available by appointment and are limited to 20 minutes per session. Community members may sign up for one session per day to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to receive assistance. Please bring your own device, such as a smartphone, tablet, or laptop, so we can guide you through the steps on the device you use routinely.
While our staff is knowledgeable in many areas of technology, there may be situations where we are unable to fully resolve a specific issue. In these cases, we will provide recommendations for online learning courses or refer patrons to local professionals with more advanced expertise. Our goal is to empower community members with the skills and resources they need to confidently use technology.
To schedule a Tech Help session, visit the library’s front desk, call us during business hours, or complete the form below. Staff will contact you within 1-3 business days to confirm your request.